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The minimum age on race day is 18 years old. Persons under 18 years is not allowed to participate.
Read these terms carefully. They includes exoneration and waiver of legal rights.
By signing you acknowledge you have read and understood all lyrics here presented as a part of the registration process.
Participants/you acknowledge and assume all of the risks of participating in Thor Bech Triathlon. The Promotor can not be held responsible for any lost or damages of any kind connected to the event, including terms of physical, material or economic.
The event of Thor Beach Triathlon is an extreme test of your physical and mental limits, that includes risk of discomfort, illness, body injury and in worst case death. By registrating for the event you attest and certify that you will be sufficiently fit and physically trained to participate in the event, without risking your health or life.
You accept that the event is held at public road and facilities that are open to the public, where there may be risky situations that can cause some risks and dangers which can not be excluded completely.
You agree to know and observe all listed warnings and cautions, to follow any instructions or manuals event's organizer gives you and to follow any decision by any employee of the event takes about your ability to participate safely.
You understand and agree, that you are responsible for taking care of your personal belongings during the event, and that Thor Beach Triathlon has no responsibility for personal or property of any kind which are lost, damaged or stolen during the event. You understand and agree that the event's organizer reserves the right to cancel the event in case of weather conditions (including, but not limited to, heat waves, tornadoes, fires, storms, thunderstorms and flooding), accidents, acts of war or terrorism, military conflicts, demonstrations or any other factor that could affect the event's participants and / or bystanders wellbeing or safety or the event's feasibility. If such cancellation or any cancellation of any cause should be, refunded your payment does not, unless approved and paid for by the event's organizer.
You agree that Thor Beach Triahlon maximum liability to you regardless of the reason can not exceed the total amount of money that we have received from you.
The organizer reserves the right to change the course.
Change the participant's name on the start number
You have the option to change the name of participant at your start number for an administration fee of kr. 250, by sending an email to Info@Thorbeachtriathlon.com
Withdrawal regulations
Withdrawal requests must be received during the following time frames in order to be eligible for a partial refund:
Until 4 months prior to race day (April 3'rd 2018): 50% refund of the entry fee
Until 2 months prior to race day (June 3'rd 2018): 25% refund of the entry fee
After 2 months to race day (June 4’th 2018): no refund