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The Wilkes Barre Triathlon was in existence for 35 years at Harveys Lake and a huge event for the entire community to be involved with, not just the athletes. This event was once a qualifier for World Championships and attracted athletes from all over the US, including professionals like Lance Armstrong and Mike Pigg. Our desire is to simplify the event and bring the tradition of triathlon back to Harveys Lake.
The Back Mt. Triathlon will be different than any previous race. Our goal is to make the event fun and safe for all the athletes and participants while limiting intrusion and interruption of lake life on the morning of the race. The race will have new leadership and be a non-profit event with a considerable portion of revenues going to local charities. Including but not limited to:
Race course - The swim course will be a rectangular out and back course, the same as in years past. Swimmers will start on the beach and swim out and back for 1500 meters (.93 mile). (map attached) Athletes will mount their bikes and leave on Lakeshore Drive and do two laps going to Noxen via Route 29 and returning to the lake area up Buckwheat Hollow Rd (Sordoni Hill). The bike course will end at Noxen Elementary and runners will leave from there. The run course will leave Noxen Elementary and make a right on Schoolhouse Rd, then make a right on Church Rd., go right on Tulip Rd and then right on Hallowich Rd. Once the runners reach the 3.1 mile mark on Hallowich Rd they will reverse the run course and return to the school. The finish line, awards and post-race activities will be at Noxen Elementary. The event will be officially timed and participants will have the opportunity to qualify for USAT Nationals as the race is sanctioned by USAT. Participants must be 18 on day of event. When registering, participants must enter their USAT membership number. If you do not have a membership, on race morning, please arrive early to fill out the USAT one day race waiver ($15).
Timeline of Events 8/24/2025:
5 AM Race officials and volunteers begin arriving at Sandy Beach.
5:30 AM Athletes begin to arrive
5:30 AM – 6:30 AM Body marking, transition set up
6:50 AM National Anthem
7 AM – 1st Wave of swimmers in the water
7:10 AM – Last wave in the water
7:20 AM – approximately 1st swimmer out of the water
7:20 AM – 10:10 AM cyclists on the bike course (see attached map)
8:05 AM – last swimmer out of the water
8:15 AM – 8:45 AM – Athlete gear will be collected in pre-numbered and labelled bags and loaded into race vehicles. To be delivered to Noxen Elementary
8:20 AM – 11:30 AM – runners will be on the run course
11 AM – Awards Ceremony at Noxen Elementary School
Swim Map
Bike Map
Run Map
2023 Event Photos