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29.03.2025 | Zlín, Czech Republic Plavecká šestihodinovka Sri Chinmoye

Sri Chinmoy Marathon Team invites you to the 6th edition of the six-hour swim in Zlín.


Relays - Saturday March 29, 2025, 10:00-16:00
Solo swimmers - Sunday March 30, 2025, 9:00-15:00


Lázně Zlín, 50m pool, water temperature about 26°C
Hradská 888, 760 01 Zlín, Czech Republic


Solo swimmers and relay teams (2-6 swimmers)


Male / female - 18-24 years, 25-44 years, 45-64 years, over 65 years
Relay men / ladies / mix - under 18 years, over 18 years
(relays regardless of number of swimmers)

COST (discount date until 16.2.2025)

Solo swimmer - 1300 CZK (after discount date – 1700 CZK)
Relay under 18 years - 450 CZK for every swimmer (after discount date each another swimmer 550 CZK)
Relay - 2700 CZK (2-3 swimmers), each another swimmer 800 CZK, (after discount date 3300 CZK + 900 Kč for each another swimmer)

You are registered after the entry fee is credited to our account. The date of receipt of payment is decisive.


IBAN - CZ3155000000001022225037
Name of the account - Sri Chinmoy Marathon Team z. s.

Please state your name or relay name in the notes.