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League Registration 2024/2025


Pre-registering for the league will allow you to keep the same number throughout the season. This means the league doesn’t need to print as many sets of numbers and create much less waste! Having this system also reduces the amount of administration and time at signing on as riders will not need to collect a new number each race.


For for the 2024/25 season your number will have your name on it as well as being coloured to identify your category witthin the race. 


Registration will close on 18/08/24 to allow time for the numbers to be printed for distribution at the first round. We encourage you to register if you are planning to race more than a couple of rounds, and especially if you would like your name printed on your number!


When completing the registration form please ensure you use the exact name that is printed on your BC Membership card as this greatly reduces the time needed to maintain the league. If you do not have a membership card please use the name that you will enter races by. 


Please note that League Registration is separate to League Affiliation. In order to score league points you will need to be an Affiliated rider or ride for an Affiliated club


For more details on affiliations see here: