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Terms of Use
If you have questions about an event, please contact the organizer or race timer. race result has no information about the event.
2024-09-14/2024-09-15 | Brinje, Croatia Extreme Enduro Brinje

• HR -  Startnina za jednog vozača u iznosu od 130 Eura uplaćuje se na žiro račun organizatora  Erste&Steiermärkische Bank d.d.
IBAN: HR3424020061101076486  (naznačiti obavezno  ime i prezime vozača).

Poštovani vozači,
dužni smo vas obavijestiti  da prema Općoj uredbi  o zaštiti podataka – GDPR, prilikom registracije pristajete dati na uvid vaše osobne podatke (ime i prezime, državu i adresu prebivališta, državljanstvo, datum rođenja, telefon i e-mail) u svrhu organizacije utrke. Sadržaj vaših osobnih podataka prikuplja se u svrhu organizacije utrke, mjerenja tajmer službe i dodjela bodova i nagrada.
Svako drugo neovlašteno korištenje, objavljivanje, prerada, obrada, reprodukcija, prikazivanje, prenošenje, distribucija, snimanje ili bilo koji drugi oblik neovlaštene uporabe vaših podataka je strogo zabranjeno.
Pritužbu ili prigovor  vezanu za obradu vaših osobnih podataka možete poslati na: 

• EN - Registration for one rider is 130 euros.
The amount of membership fee is paid by the competitor to the organizer's account  Erste&Steiermärkische Bank d.d. :
IBAN: HR3424020061101076486 ; SWIFT:  ESBCHR22
(indicate the driver's name and surname).

Dear Riders,
we are obliged to inform you that according to the general data protection regulation - GDPR, at registration, you agree to provide your personal information (name and surname, country and residence address, citizenship, date of birth, telephone and email) for the purpose of organizing the race. The content of your personal information is collected for the purpose of organizing the race, measuring the timer service and awarding points and prizes.
Any other unauthorized use, publication, processing, processing, reproduction, display, transfer, distribution, recording or any other form of unauthorized use of your data is strictly forbidden.
You can send a complaint or complaint regarding processing of your personal information to: