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Due to the expected inclement weather on Saturday 3/23, including heavy rain and wind, the race/walk/fun run was postponed until Saturday, April 6th, at 9 a.m.
All entries are automatically transferred.
The course is USATF certified.
This event is for all ages and there is something for everyone! Event fees are $30 (by 3/1) $35 after 3/1 for adults. 18 and under $20/$25
Fees include race registration, tshirt, bag with giveaways.
The Fun Run which takes place before the 5K at 9AM is $15 and is for ages 10 & Under. The Fun Run includes tshirt only.
Race Location: 136 Oak Ridge Rd, Clark, NJ 07066
Further details like packet pick up information and other instuctions will come within one week of event date