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Devils Den 5K Trail Run / Walk
A Race to Support: The Friends of Lord Stirling Stable; A nonprofit organization
When: Sunday November 5, 2023: 11:00 AM
Where: Event Field at Lord Stirling Stables (a Somerset County Park)
2 Event Types: Run only (timed) and Walk/Dog walk (not timed)
Course Description: 5K, consisting of wide trails on rolling hills traversing open fields and wooded areas running through the “Devils Den”.
RUN: 11:00 am start (timed)
Run Early Registration: by 10/31/23 $30
Run Late Registration: 11/1 – 11/4 2023 $35 Run Race Day Registration: $40 Middle/High School Students: $20
WALK/Dog Walk 11:15 (not timed)
Entry fee for Walk/Dog walk*: $20. Free to members of FLSS. To become a member, go to FLSS.org or pay with cash or check on race day -- Membership: Individuals $20; Families $30
*For everyone’s safety, dogs must be leashed. Extended leashes no longer than 6’ to ensure a safe and enjoyable walk.
Awards for top run finishers male/female and from different age categories!
Funds raised from the event will further the Mission of FLSS.org.