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Sanctioned Barn Hunt Trial
Zodiac Ranch
2791 N Wixom Rd Milford MI 48381
Saturday/Sunday, October 21&22, 2023
4 trials offered
Judge : Lynn Benisch-BHAJ-288A-Westland MI
Classes offered:
Sat & Sun : Trial 1- Instinct, Nov, Open, Senior, CZ8, Master
Trial 2- Novice, Open, Senior, CZ8, Master
$15/RATI; $18/Novice, $20/Open;
$25/Senior, $25/Master, $25/Crazy 8s
Entries Open 8/20/2023– (Pre)-Entries Close 10/11/2023
Mail In Entries will be accepted in the order received no later than 10/11/2023 unless trial fills sooner.
Late entries & DOS may be taken if trial is not full and are an additional $2 per class. Late/Day of Show entries are not a guaranteed entry and will be accepted only up to Judging limits. Confirmations will not be sent for Late entries.
Move-ups and lateral moves are allowed from trial to trial at this event.
This facility is handicapped accessible.
Judges are limited to 8 hours of judging time and a maximum run value, which will require this club to limit entries accordingly.
Any Judge of Record at this event may be used as a Load Balancing Judge in any ring
Permission has been granted by the Barn Hunt
Association, LLC for the holding of this Barn Hunt trial
under BHA Rules and Regulations.
Open to all breeds and mixed breeds.
Trial Chair /Sec : Linda Lundstrom,2791 Wixom Rd, Milford MI linda@zodiacranch.com, 248-202-0178