28th Annual Belmar Junior Lifeguard Tournament
Date: Thursday, July 20, 2023
Location: 6th Avenue Beach, Belmar NJ
Late Registration: 8am @ 6th Ave Beach
Start Time: 9:00am
Director Contact: Nicolette Contella; belmarjrguards@gmail.com
Pre-Registration: open until 7/8/23 ($30 per junior lifeguard)
Late Registration/Day of Registration: 8am ($35 per junior lifeguard) T-shirts are first come first serve under late registration.
- Paid via credit card
- You may Late register Starting July 12, 7:00AM through the morning of the tournament Use the Registration Tab
- All Entries Online Only. Register before you leave home or use your phone when you arrive.
Parent/Family Parking:
- Paid parking is available along Ocean Ave & Silver Lake
- Free parking is available on side streets and off the ocean
Order of Events
A/AA (white)
B (black)
C (pink)
Distance Run
Distance Run
Distance Run
Distance Swim
Iron Man Relay (1 runner, 1 swimmer, 1 paddler)
Beach Flags
Run-Swim -Run
Surf Dash/Swim Relay
Beach Flags
Paddle Relay
Medley Relay
Surf Dash/Swim Relay
Beach Flags
Australian Beach Flags* (if time permits)
Coach/Instructor 4x100 when all events are completed
Relay Events:
- All relay events (medley relay, paddle relay, iron man relay, surf/swim dash, 4x100 can be: all girls, all boys, or co-ed)
Director Notes:
- Events will run right after one another and are subject to change in order based on availability of space/equipment or water conditions.
- C Water course will be toward the north, B water course in the middle, and A water course to the south (Water Courses are subject to change)
- Lunch will be distributed as it arrives- please listen to announcements from the DJ!
- Top five finishers in each event will get ribbons.
- Bathrooms are located on 3rd or 8th Ave.
- A - Australian Beach Flags will only be completed if time permits and if A group finishes early. *
Flag Colors:
C Junior Lifeguards: Pink flags
B Junior Lifeguards: Black flags
A Junior Lifeguards: White flags
Other Notes:
- Events will run right after one another and are subject to change in order based on availability of space/equipment or water conditions.
- Lunch will be distributed as it arrives- please listen to announcements from the DJ!
- Top five finishers in each event will get ribbons.
- Special thanks to Belmar Police, EMS, DPW, Beach Patrol, Recreation, DJ Dan & Mike/Raising4 Inc, Kiefer Awards, Belmar Shirts Federico’s Pizza for helping with our event!
- Special Thanks to our 2023 sponsors: Playa Bowls; Century21 Schlossbach; Eastern Lines; Belmar Fishing Club; PSA; Bar A; Seaport Marina; Beckman’s On the Beach; Lawrence Law; Kinney Chiro; Hoagitos; Aquatherm; Shoreside In-Home Therapy; Atlantic Tile; Grove; Laundromat/Cordasco Family; Lauruso Landscaping; DeBo Construction; Coronato Property Group; The Handsome Devil ; Surf's Up Candle; Salty's Beach Bar
Sportsmanship and Event Polices:
- Belmar Junior Lifeguard Coaches, Lifeguards, Assistants, Director reserve the right to change/ and or modify events as needed.
- Parents and families are encouraged to cheer on their respected team but should not be interfering with the tournament.
- Junior Lifeguards are CHILDREN.
- This is a fun tournament.
- The officials, lifeguards, and coaches are HUMAN.
- Parents & loved ones should cheer for everyone.
- Sportsmanship starts with you (as the parent)!