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Welcome to the Registration Site for the Pinedale Stampede!
Pinedale Stampede is Pinedale’s only timed intergenerational nordic ski race. The event is hosted by the Pinedale Aquatic Center and, new this year, partners Sublette Trails Association and Friends of PAC. We are also very excited to announce that this year's race will be part of a new nordic race series serving western Wyoming and eastern Idaho, the Wydaho Nordic Ski Series. The Pinedale Stampede is one of eight races included in the series.
Schedule of Events: (Tentative - Final Schedule TBA)
Friday, January 27:
Course Preview
5pm - 8pm: Check in and play at PAC, onsite registration available.
Saturday, January 28:
8am - 8:45am Check in at race HQ. Onsite Registration begins at 8 and closes at 8:45 am (cash or check ONLY).
9:00am - Race Start
3:00pm - Awards & Social at Lakeside Lodge in Pinedale, WY
Please note*** there is a NO DOGS courtesty rule on the race course trails.
Lakeside Lodge is offering a 15% discount on cabins after the race. Please use code STAMPEDE15 when cawlling to make reservations.
On-site registartion is cash or check ONLY! Late registations are not guaranteed swag bags.
***When parking at race please do not block exit road for cabins-thank you!