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Thank you for entering the 2022 Perth Duathlon 80k & Runningworks Festival. We are excited to share this premiere event with you. Please read through the email as we have done our best to answer some of your questions.
BIB COLLECTION - It's recommended you collect your bib on Wednesday 2.30pm – 8.30pm at Runningworks Hilton
or on Thursday 9.30am - 4.00pm at Runningworks Hilton (292 South Street, Hilton) to avoid the rush on event day. Bib collection is also available on race day, one hour prior to your event.
Q&A MEET THE PROFESSIONALS - During bib collection on Wednesday evening between 6.30 - 7.00pm you can meet our professional athletes and ask questions. We will have Australian Duathlon representative Matt Smith who place 12th at the World Championships this year and German Duathlon Representative Simon Huckestein who placed 6th at this year’s World Championships. They will be with us to talk about various topics such as training, nutrition, and recovery.
LOCATION & PARKING – The event is at the Champion Lakes Regatta Centre located on Henley Drive Champion Lakes. All Participants can park on the island. Cars are unable to leave the island until 10.30am due to the duathlon ride leg taking place. 10k and half marathoners should consider parking off the island in the Henley Drive Car Park which is approximately 3 minutes’ walk from the start area.
START TIMES – All events start at 7.30am. Duathlon participants please arrive one hour prior to your event. Event runners please arrive 15 minutes before your event, for your briefing.
AID STATIONS - Every aid station is around 2.5k. At each aid station there will be BIX hydration & water. All runners are responsible for their own Nutrition on the day.
PACERS – Pacers in this event must be registered for a pacer position or be a registered runner in the event. Runners who are paced by an unregistered runner will be disqualified.
GIFT VOUCHER – All participants will receive a $50.00 Gift Voucher for any pair of shoes at Runningworks or you can use it to receive 10% Off anything else at our stores.
EVENT SINGLETS & SHIRTS – If you would like to buy a Perth Duathlon or Runningworks Event Series singlet you can purchase one during Bib collection at Runningworks.
BIB TRANSPONDER & LIVE RESULTS - Runningworks provides its own race result timing. Please do not bend or cover your transponder. The live link for this event will be on our “Runningworks Event Series” Facebook page. We will also have a QR Code for live results on the day.
SPONSORS - We would like to thank our following sponsors The Bike Place, Tarkine Bix Hydration & Salming.
PRESENTATIONS - Prizes & medals for 1, 2 & 3 in all events as well as age group winners in the Duathlon. Presentations will be done at the earliest practicable time. Some events maybe done separately.
6:30am – Bib collection and transition opens (Officials will be checking bikes for safety)
7:15am - Transition closes
7.15am - Race briefing (Mandatory)
7:30am – Island access for cars closes
7:30am – Duathlon & running events begin
10.30am - Island access reopens (Cars will be directed by event marshals)
10.30am – Half Marathon & 10k presentations
12.30pm – Duathlon presentations
There are some rules that need to be observed. The rules are as followed:
Transition mounting & dismounting: You must mount your bike after the transition line and dismount off your bike before the transition line.
No drafting: 10-meter rule
Transition area: Your helmet must be clipped on before taking your bike off the bike rack, to start your bike leg. When you arrive back at transition you must place you bike on the bike rack before unclipping and removing your helmet.
Runningworks is looking for VOLUNTEERS to help at this event as a Marshall or at our Hydration Stations. We are offering a $75.00 discount towards any of our Runningworks series events for anyone that can help on the day. If you know of anyone that may be able to volunteer, please have them email Chris Lark on runningworkshilton@outlook.com
If you enjoy our events, please join the "Runningworks Event Series" facebook page. This page will keep you updated on all our future events and will provide access to event photos and results.
We look forward to seeing you soon for a great day.
Chris Lark & Curtis Simon-Menasse
Runningworks Event Series