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STEP BY STEP – we give children a future!
In Frankfurt and around the world!
The popular charity event "Bürostadtlauf im Lyoner Quartier" is starting with full steam ahead this year - for the first time as a hybrid! "LIVE" will be run on Thursday, August 25th, 2022 in Frankfurt, and from August 11th, 2022 to August 25th, 2022, you can run "VIRTUALLY" for a good cause, or take part in cycling, all over the world.
In the primary school, supported by Cargo Human Care eV for years now in cooperation with the Anglican Church Marsabit, new „boarding houses“ for 40 girls and 40 boys will be constructed.
In addition to the "boarding houses", a dining room and a rain tank are also to be built. Help that arrives 100% - that makes sport even more fun!
Also this year, special honors are given to super heroes who compete in four competitions.
Companies or groups who want to take part against invoce, please send an e-mail to the organization team: