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Welcome to the Garmin Tri Series, hosted by Hills Triathlon Club
Entries close 27th October at 9pm, unless sold out earlier. There is no waitlist. Limit is set to 150 until the COVID-19 situation improves.
Race | Hills | ||
Sprint, Aqua Bike, Aqua Run | $50 | ||
Enticer | $45 | ||
12yo, 10-11yo, 7-9yo | $20 |
COVID-19 VACCINATION IS MANDATORY for those 16 and over:
The Garmin Tri Series is held at the Sydney International Regatta Centre at Penrith with entry through gate ‘A’. Registration and transition are located on the grassed area just over the bridge to the island on which the grandstand is located. A map of the event course will be available at the Registration Tent and is available on the Hills Triathlon Club Facebook page.
Upon entering the gates of the Regatta Centre, you must abide by the speed limit imposed by the Regatta Centre management. The Regatta Centre has ample parking on the island opposite the registration and transition area. It is important that you park only in marked parking areas and follow the direction of all Regatta Centre Rangers. If the car park on the island is full when you arrive, overflow parking is available on the Southern side of the competition lake.
Officials will be on hand at Registration to answer any specific questions you may have concerning the course, the rules and to assist you generally. Do not hesitate to raise any query no matter how trivial it may seem.
You are reminded of your acceptance of entry conditions, waiver release and indemnification. Please note this is a legal part of entering the race and affects your rights. You have attested your physical condition to participate in this event. If you have developed a medical condition since you registered to enter, then this should be brought to attention of the Race Director and, where deemed appropriate by the Race Director, a medical certificate produced.
This will take place at the transition area. At Registration, you may be required to produce some form of I.D. (drivers licence, T.A. licence). Registration must be completed by the time specified. Only competitors will be permitted to enter the transition area.
The Garmin Tri Series will use an electronic timing system, involving of an electronic chip attached to an ankle band. Your responsibilities as a competitor include:
Qualified First Aid Personnel will be on duty at transition. Please ask for medical help if you have the slightest hint you may need it. Any aid given by race medical personnel on the course is permissible and will not lead to disqualification. If, however, you have any other outside assistance you will be disqualified. You will be withdrawn from the race only if you require transportation, IV fluids, or if medical personnel consider your continued participation presents a danger to the health or welfare of you or others.
There will be a drink station on the run leg just after the exit from transition. It will be “grab and go” and no-one will be available to hand a cup to you.
Toilet blocks are located behind the eastern end of the grandstand approximately 100 metres from the transition area as well as in the boat shed behind the grandstand.
You should ensure that your bike is in race worthy condition and you must wear a Bike Helmet that carries an Australian Standards Approved Sticker. You should ensure that it is adjusted properly.
Enter the transition zone only after you have registered at the registration area and only enter by the entrance that will be manned by volunteers. When entering transition your helmet should be on your head with the chin straps clipped together as if you were ready to race. A visual inspection of your helmet and bike will be carried out by the Technical Officials as you enter the transition zone.
The transition area will close prior to race briefing. Bags must not be left in the transition area. Officials will remove any bags that are left in the transition area and put them a bag area at the corner of transition. Plastic bags are also to be removed as they can be a trip hazard during the race.
Triathlon Australia rules will be applied to the Garmin Tri Series. Please refer to them if in any doubt on any aspect of the race. You will be able to discuss any questions/issues with the Technical Officials at the entry to transition on the day. A copy of the rules is available at the web address below:
Any special rules that may be applied by the Race Director will be notified to you at the Pre-race Briefing. The Race Director and Technical Official are in charge of race safety and logistics. The Race Director is responsible for providing a safe race course and has taken steps to make the race safe and enjoyable. Competitors are responsible for their own safety, the safety of their own equipment and are to be considerate of the safety of others.
Due to COVID-19, there are no spectators allowed at this race. If you have someone there, do not allow them to automatically disqualify you by being on the course with you.
You should place some form of identification on all your personal gear/property for ease of identification if any is misplaced and handed in to officials. Please note that the race organizers take no responsibility for lost property. Property handed into the officials will be available for collection until the transition area is dismantled and packed away at the registration tent. Unclaimed items will be discarded or delivered to charity.
This is an issue with the event centre and we do not want complaints about the extent of discarded wrappers from the race. Please avoid discarding energy bar/gel wrappers and, where available, use garbage bins particularly on the run course. There is provision for disqualification for littering on the course.
Briefing will be distributed via email in the week prior to the race after entries close. This will be your only form of briefing as COVID-19 rules do not allow gathering for on-site briefings.
The race will commence by way of a staged start. Start times will be emailed out 2 days prior to the event and will be posted on the Hills Triathlon Club Facebook page. Please listen carefully at the Race Briefing for the final determination of Wave Start Order. Parents are encouraged to help with the running of the junior events.
The below times are estimated only (and dependent on competitor numbers)
Wave |
Wave 1 – 2:35pm Juniors 7-9 years (group start) |
Wave 2 – 3pm - Juniors 10-11 years (group start) |
Wave 3 – 3:15pm - Sprint, AquaRun, AquaBike (rolling start) |
Wave 4 – 3:30pm - Enticer and 12 years (rolling start) |
Please bring your own swim cap. If you do not have one, you can ask for one at registration. We will be aiming to use the same colours for each wave from this race onwards, so please keep your cap and bring it next race.
Maps of the course are available on our Facebook page (Hills Tri Club) and will be available at the registration desk on race day. They will also be in the briefing pack.
A wetsuit ruling will be determined on race day pending the water temperature taken by the Technical Officials. Wetsuits are permitted if the temperature is below 22 degrees.
Proceed from the swim exit, run along the foreshore up to the finish chute, go through a chute to your bike in the bike compound. Cyclists must ensure that their helmet is on and fastened before un-racking the bike. You must proceed through transition to the mount line on the roadway before mounting your bike. For the Aqua Run, proceed to the run exit. (7-9 years will exit the swim and then enter transition via the left path).
The cycle course is a loop around the competition lake which is 5km long in an anti-clockwise direction. Competitors will complete the following
The 7-9-year junior event cycle legs exits transition along the running path and follows the path past the grandstand, once past the grandstand, veer left then turn right onto the cycle path. Cycle out to a turn- around point (just before the bridge) then turn around. Follow the cycle path around the back of the grandstand and up over the hill to transition. Stay right at all times when going to and from the turn point.
This is a NON DRAFTNG EVENT to which all Triathlon Australia rules apply. You must overtake on the right- hand side of another cyclist and must cycle to the left side of the course except when overtaking. Please note that, while the Regatta Centre is closed to all vehicular traffic there may be pedestrians or other cyclists on the course. Competitors must be alert to the possibility of encountering a pedestrian at all times and must be prepared to give way to any pedestrians if a collision is possible.
At the completion of the cycle leg, ensure you dismount your bike before the dismount line and then proceed to the bike entry point. Do not take your helmet off until the bike is fully racked in its original position. Teams will need to transfer the timing chip to the runner’s left ankle at the designated team change point.
The course for Run is the sealed path on the Northern edge of the main competition lake and is an out and back course of
All competitors MUST run on the RIGHT hand-side of the run course.
After crossing the Finish Line, please remove your timing chip and put it in the bucket at the finish chute.
A volunteer will be available to hand you a drink.
If there are extreme temperatures Triathlon NSW Hot weather guidelines will be considered. This includes
If there is rain or air quality issues, a decision will not be made until race start time whether the event will continue or if any modifications will be required. Any updates will be provided by the Race Director at the briefing. If any pre-information becomes available, it will be posted on the Hills Tri Club Facebook page.
Results will be available at Race Results and the link will be posted on Facebook after the race.
Mathew Darcy
Race Director
Hills Triathlon Club