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We may have missed the 3rd Zayed Sports City Run in March due to Covid-19, but we now bring you the 1st Zayed Sports City 5&10Km #StayAtHome Run with a little 1.6Km (1 Mile) to get the kids and those just wanting a gentle jog some fun.
#StayAtHome #StaySafe #StayHealthy and, if you have, run in your favourite Zayed Sports City shirt.
Whether it be the all conquering Pink Run 2012-2019, Make-A-Wish 2019-2020, Year of Zayed 2018, Year of Tolerance 2019 or the shirts that go all the way back to 2011 and our inaugural runs with the team from Haddins, please wear it.
This is a #StayAtHome run so please create you run course, in your home which could take in the lounge room, the balcony, the corridor or if you are lucky enough in your garden.
Send us your happy photos to us - email
Entry is FREE