Virtual races
Your moves of running and/or Nordic Walking may not hide only in your training statistics! They can compare you with others in VIRTUAL races. We have created several virtual sections for you: from 5K to marathon. Especially for NordicWalking, on-road and off-road runs. All in the 5-year age categories of men and women. You can also find a report of the Club results.
How does it work? (10 registrations for free)
1) registration = 1st confirmation email with simple instructions
2) after paying the minimum administrative fee (50, - CZK) you will receive the 2nd e-mail with a link where you enter:
2.1.) Your time format won't let you out of "hh", "mm" and "ss"
2.2.) Positive elevation (m) = enter only the number
2.3.) Uploading a photo is simple. images (.jpg, .png,) of your watch, mobile, apps, ... to see distances and time
2.4.) Upon submission, the result list will be updated immediately and the confirmation e-mail will be sent
3) termination 17.11.2020 19:59:59
We will support a good cause. We will pass 10% of the collected administrative fee to the local Unit of Voluntary Firefighters.
Click through to registration and follow the standard procedure.