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17th EUROPAMARATHON Görlitz-Zgorzelec June 6th 2021
Europamarathon Görlitz - Zgorzelec e.V.
with the support of the Zgorzelec City Administration
Place, date Görlitz, 06.06.2021
Start, finish on Elisabethstrasse
05.06.2021 5.30 p.m. - 9.00 p.m. "Noodle party" on Elisabethplatz
06.06.2021 Start times (subject to change):
09:00 / 09:03 half marathon handbiker, skater: approx. 21.9 km / approx. 11.6 km
09:05 marathon: unicycle, half marathon: scooter / unicycle
09:10 marathon run / half marathon run
10:50 / 10:52 5 km run / 5 km walker
11: 30/11: 32 10km run / 10km walker
14:00 approx. 2.3 km children skating
14:15 2 km BIRKENSTOCK children-youth run
14:45 400 m Landskron-Brause run
Finish deadline: 3:10 p.m.
Running route:
Cross-border circuit between Germany and Poland, wavy profile.
The running routes are officially measured.
Marathon route: 2 laps of skaters approx. 21.9 km: 2 laps
Conditions of participation:
The European Marathon Görlitz - Zgorzelec is organized according to the regulations of the German Athletics Association (DLV). For skaters, unicyclists, handbikers and scooters, the respective regulations of their national association apply.
Accompanying bicycles, except with the approval of the organizer, is not allowed and can lead to the disqualification of the participant.
Eligible are runners of the age groups:
2003 and older marathon run
2005 and older half marathon run
2011 and older 10 km run
2007 and older skater
2013 and older 5 km
2008 and younger 2 km
2014-2017 400 m run
Classification / ratings:
Age grouping of all running routes according to DLV.
Inline skaters: Rating according to DRIV
Handbiker: Separate evaluation, recumbent knee biker
Unicyclists: Standard and Unlimited, separate rating m / f.
For the 5 and 10 km walkers, the time is listed without any rating.
"Blind or visually impaired athletes with accompanying runners can take part in all running and walking routes over 5 km.
These running pairs should be at the front start line at least 15 minutes before the respective start and be clearly recognizable for all other athletes as running pairs (blind symbol or "accompanying runner" inscription on the respective upper parts of the run).
The evaluation for the blind or visually impaired athlete is not carried out separately - but within the respective age group. The respective entry fee is only to be paid for the runner or walker. "
Helmets are mandatory for inline skaters. Complete protective equipment is also recommended.
Waiver of right to start:
If the right to start is not exercised after notification, there is no entitlement to a refund of the entry fee. The contribution will be used to organize the event.
Award ceremony / prizes:
Place 1-6 in the overall evaluation of all disciplines (male / female) AK evaluation only on all certificates and in the minutes
At the 2 km run and skating - award ceremony in the respective age groups, U 14 (12/13),
U 12 (10/11) and U 10 (7/8/9) in place 1-6
The times of the award ceremony can be found on the notices.
Each participant receives a commemorative medal at the finish. Approx. The certificate of participation is printed out 25 minutes after the finish line. A certificate can be printed on the Internet from June 10th, 2021.
The results will be published on the Internet. Unofficial results will be posted on the running day.
Entry fee (including transponder) is staggered:
Marathon half marathon 10 km 5 km 2 km 400m
until 03.02.2021 30 € 25 € 18 € 10 € 4 € 0 €
until 11.04.2021 35 € 30 € 22 € 11 € 4 € 0 €
until 23.05.21 40 € 35 € 24 € 12 € 5 € 0 €
Late registration 45 € 40 € 25 € 13 € 6 € 0 €
T-shirt purchase:
Cotton: 8 euros / children size 5 euros
Functional shirt: 20 euros / children size 10 euros
The amount is to be paid with the entry fee.
Bank details for transferring the entry fee:
Account holder: Europamarathon Görlitz-Zgorzelec e.V.
Bank: Sparkasse Oberlausitz-Niederschlesien
IBAN: DE61 8505 0100 0003 2116 49
Purpose: start number
Direct debit: Only bank holders with a German account
If you enter your bank details on the registration form, the entry fee will be debited from your account. Costs caused by incorrect payment details are borne by the participant.
In the case of direct debit, I give the organizer a SEPA mandate to collect the specified amount from my specified bank account. I hereby waive the issue of a written SEPA mandate. At the same time, I instruct my bank to use.
Registration can only be done by post, using a fully completed and personally signed registration form, or online at: www.europamarathon.de.
In the case of minors, the signature of a legal representative is required. Registrations by phone, fax and email will not be processed!
Registration deadline / registration confirmation:
The deadline for registration is May 21st, 2021 (date of postmark) for registrations by post, and May 23rd, 2021 at midnight for online registrations. After you have successfully registered, you will receive a confirmation email with your specified data. The lists of participants can be viewed at www.europamarathon.de.
Starting number issue / late registrations:
The starting documents will be handed out on Saturday, June 5th, 2021 from 2:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. and Sunday, June 6th, 2021 from 7:00 a.m. in Augustum-Annen-Gymnasium, Annengasse 4.
Late registrations are made on Saturday, June 5th, 2021 from 2:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. and Sunday, June 6th, 2021 from 7:00 a.m. to 45 minutes before the start of the respective discipline in the Augustum-Annen-Gymnasium, Annengasse 4.
In the case of late registration, the entry fee will be paid in cash.
The time is measured with a disposable transponder in the start number.
A reusable transponder is used for skaters, except for 2.3 km. Only a deposit of 20 EUR is charged here, which is paid back when the chip is returned.
Overnight stay:
telephone information about:
Görlitz information
Phone: +49 (0) 3581 47 57 25
Fax: +49 (0) 3581 47 57 27
Email: goerlitzinformation@europastadt-goerlitz.de
Tourist quarters:
It is possible to spend the night free of charge in the classrooms of the grammar school from Saturday, June 5th, 2021 to Sunday, June 6th, 2021. Bring your sleeping bag and air mattress.
Access via the A4, B112, B99, B6 towards the city center.
Parking on the Obermarkt, Christoph-Lüders-Str., Wilhelmsplatz
European marathon phone: +49 (0) 3581- 66 78 00
- Office - Fax: +49 (0) 3581- 76 45 88
Elisabethstraße 42/43 Email: info@europamarathon.de
02826 Görlitz
Disclaimer of liability
By participating in the 17th European marathon, I accept the organiser's disclaimer of liability for personal injury or property damage of any kind. I will not make claims against the organizers and sponsors of the run, nor against the cities and municipalities or their representatives, should I suffer damage or injuries as a result of my participation in the run. This disclaimer also applies to my companions. This also applies to participation in supporting events. I declare that I am healthy and that I am adequately trained. I agree that I will be taken out of the race if I run the risk of damaging my health. I also agree that the personal data specified in the report can be passed on and that the photos, film recordings and interviews made in connection with the European marathon can be published on radio, television, advertising, books, photomechanical reproductions without entitlement to remuneration. I expressly confirm the accuracy of all the data I have provided and assure that I will not pass my start number on to anyone else. If the event cannot be carried out due to force majeure or if it has to be significantly changed as a result, and if the event does not appear, the participants are not entitled to reimbursement of the registration fee.
Note according to data protection: Note according to data protection: Your data will be stored automatically