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Our priority is your health! please note that the event Daman Triathlon has been postponed for Friday April 3 , in light of the ongoing concerns for everyone's well-being and safety.
We look forward to welcoming you to Race 4, once registrations re-open and a date is set.
The Abu Dhabi Sports Council presents the Triathlon Festival for 2020 at Al Hudayriyat Island on Friday April 3rd and 4th.
Protected swim course, open and spacious transition, a looped bike course with NO TRAFFIC and a run course with a twist.
Friday Distances:
Olympic Triathlon Individual and Relay (1500 m swim | 41 km bike | 10 km run)
Olympic Aquabike (1500m swim | 41km bike)
Olympic Aquathlon (1500m swim | 10km run)
Sprint Triathlon Individual and Relay (750 m swim | 21 km bike | 5 km run)
Sprint Aquabike (750m swim | 21km bike)
Sprint Aquathlon (750m swim | 5km run)
Super Sprint Triathlon Individual and Relay (375 m swim | 11 km bike | 2.5 km run)
Super Sprint Aquathlon (375m swim | 2.5km run)
6:00 am: Registration opens
6:45 am: Olympic contests
7:15 am: Sprint contests
7:30 am: Super Sprint contests
A Junior Triathlon along with a Junior Aquathlon will be held on Saturday morning 4th April.
More information in a separate event listing.