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Stanton Stile Hop – 2k, 5k Multi Terrain Fun run.
Date: Saturday 18th May 2019
Event location: Race HQ is located at Stanton upon Hine Heath Village Hall. Postcode SY4 4DY.
Race start: 11:00am
The Start line is located 100 mtrs away on Moreton View.
Parking: Specific details to follow nearer the time of the event. Marshals will be on hand to assist and advise with parking on the day however, please can we ask all competitors travelling to the event by car, that you kindly park sensibly. Stanton is a small country village with no specific car park. We have informed the local community of the event and all competitors will be required to park in an around the village on the road side. Please do not park on residents driveways or block any residents in. This could result in your vehicle being removed whilst you are racing.
Registration will be open from 9am on the morning of the event and your race number and timing chip will be issued upon morning registration. Please hand your chip in at the end of the race. Cost of replacement £20.
The STANTON STILE HOP will build on its first year success and this year we will host a 2km off road fun run for children up to 9 years old, The original 5km multi terrain ‘Stanton Stile Hop’ and in addition for this year we are pleased to announce a 10km multi terrain race.
The 2 km fun run will take part on a flat field and will be a 2000mtr out and back course. Keeping in with the ‘Stile Hop’ theme, there will also be a number of low height stile type obstacles on the course for the little entrants to jump and climb over. There will be no entry fee for the 2km run, instead we would kindly ask for donations to be placed in one of the Midlands Air Ambulance Charity buckets.
The 5km ‘The Stanton Stile Hop’ is the race that started it all off in 2018. This stunning course will take runners on a 5km loop from the centre of Stanton village on a mixture of terrain including quiet lanes, lovely woodland and across fields. As the event name implies, there are number of stiles on the course which all runners will need to climb over as part of the event. There is also the risk of some puddles and or lying water in places but this will be dependent on the amount of rain during the lead up to the event. The course itself has a steady rise to the half way point with the exception of the wooded climb, the course then starts to make its way back down towards the finish line in Stanton.
The 10km multi terrain race is a beautiful extension of the 5km route. At the half way point of the 5km route, you will be diverted off on to an additional 5km section where you will re-join the original 5km route for the final section back into the finish in Stanton. Again, the route is mostly on a mixture of field, woodland and farm track with a little bit of quiet country lane.
Both the 5km and 10km race will be started in the same location at the same time.
Runners of all abilities are very welcome. The 5km has an age restriction of 9 years and older and we ask that all children under 12 years old are within arm’s reach of an accompanying adult throughout the race. The 10km race has an age restriction of 16 years and older (where the child is 16 by or on 18th May, 2019)
A full race briefing will be given 15 minutes before the 11am race start at 10:45am. All runners are asked to attend so that important course information can be given out. If you do not attend and something happens to you during the event we cannot be held responsible for not advising.
Tea, Coffee, soft drinks and cakes will be for sale at the Village Hall.
Toilets are located in the Village Hall
Prizes will be awarded as follows:
In addition to this, all runners will receive a free bottle of water, chocolate bar & finishers medal.
The event will be marshaled with one of our helpers in high visibility vests at locations throughout the course.
All course marshals will be in radio/phone contact with the Race Director
There will be qualified first aiders present both within the course start finish area and also on the course itself.
The course will also be marked with highly visible arrow boards.
A full and detailed risk assessment is in place and can be viewed on race day on the main information board.
Participant safety - Participants are responsible for their recognition and understanding of event signage, symbols and colour relating to participant maps, facilities and direction.
Weather - please self-monitor the weather and arrive with suitable clothing for the event itself and for afterwards. Please remember this is a multi-terrain event so please take this into consideration with regards to footwear choice.
Once you have agreed to the Terms and Conditions and completed the registration process, your entry fee is NON-REFUNDABLE.
Course Monitoring
Any participant who refuses to obey the directions of the event officials course marshal, or who conducts himself/herself in an unsportsmanlike manner, or who is offensive by action or language to officials, volunteers, participants or spectators may be disqualified by the event and future participation at the discretion of event officials.
Any participant who has been found by a course marshal, event official or surveillance equipment to have gained an unfair advantage by intentionally shortening the route of the event (“cutting the course”) shall be immediately disqualified from the event and banned from future participation in this event.
Any person who participates in the event without a current official event bib number not officially assigned to him/her is subject to removal and disqualification.
Event officials reserve the right, to modify, supplement or waive all or part of the event rules. Participants shall be bound by any modification or supplement of the event rules published prior to the event. Failure to follow these event rules, as can be amended, will result in immediate disqualification.
Event officials reserve the right to delay, cancel, alter the route or suspend the event due to inclement weather in accordance with Emergency Protocol on severe emergencies and/or inclement weather. No refund will be issued in these circumstances.
In order to run in the Stanton Stile Hop, runners must agree the following disclaimer:
“In completing this entry I declare that I, or anyone that I am paying for, will not compete in the event unless medically fit to do so and that, in any event, we will compete at my/our own risk. I accept that the organisers will not be liable for any loss, damage, action, claim, costs or expenses which may arise in consequence of my/our participation of the event. I/We understand that entry fees are non-refundable”