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Welcome to the Letchworth 5K, organised by Love Letchworth and the businesses in Letchworth Town Centre. We do hope you enjoy all the races and hope that you will continue to support the event in the future.
Please take the time to read this booklet carefully as there are important points about parking, race pack collection etc that will help to ensure that your run is trouble free and enjoyable.
If after reading this information you still have any questions please contact me, Richard Harbon (Race Director), on 07496 367275 or e-mail me at richard@loveletchworth.com
All the races and the fun run start and finish in Leys Square, Letchworth Garden City, SG6 3EW.
5km race – 9.30am
1 mile race and Fun Run – 10.30am
We are doing our best to make this race as least impactive on the environment as possible.
Please do your bit by taking all your litter home, bring your own water bottle and don’t drop litter (particularly energy gel wrappers) on the course.
Your race number and chips can be picked up from registration at Cultivo Lounge, Leys Avenue, Letchworth SG6 3EW:
Please walk or cycle to the race if you can. There are loads of secure cycle racks in the town.
Car parking is available free of charge at the following locations:
Unfortunately, there are no changing facilities for runners prior to the race start.
We are trying to limit the amount of baggage at the start. Please leave all your valuables and spare clothes in your car or at home if you can.
There will be a baggage handling facility at the race start /finish venue for the storage of participant’s baggage. Runners are reminded that any kit left during the race is at the owner’s risk.
There are plenty of public toilets in Letchworth town centre. The local coffee shops are also open and will allow the use of their toilets.
Please be sure that you are fit enough to take part. It would be unwise to start knowing that you may well be unwell or injured on route.
If you have any allergies or medical conditions, please write them in waterproof ink on the back of your race number.
There are first aid trained marshals at this event.
We will be providing both pre- and post-race refreshments at the start / finish point in Leys Square.
There are also loads of fantastic coffee shops and restaurants in Letchworth Garden City town centre. Many will be open for the event. Please support them.
Results will be available on this website in real time.
The start and finish for the races/fun run are in Leys Square. All the roads are closed for this event.
For safety reasons runners are advised not to wear headphones during the race so that they can hear instructions from the marshals.
All children under 11 years old who take part must be accompanied by an adult.
Please note that this course is suitable for wheelchairs and pushchairs.
Runners who wish to run with their dogs are advised that they must start at the back of the race and that the dog must be kept on a short lead at all times.
Runners are reminded that they must wear their race number on the front of their vest/t-shirt
The course is all tarmac or solid blocks. Road running shoes are the best option.
There will be a commemorative medal for all finishers in the races and fun run.
Additionally, there will be prizes for the following categories in the 5k and 1 Mile events:
1st, 2nd & 3rd Male and Female
1st place for both V40, V50, V60 & V70.
These prizes have been provided by the businesses in Letchworth and surrounding area.
The Prize Ceremony will take place at the race start/finish point between events.
Competitors are reminded that prizes are awarded based on gun time and not chip time.
Have a great run and see you all next year.
Thank you.
Richard Harbon
Race Director