13. – 14. September 2025
Sortedamssøen v. Østerbrogade 19
Kl 09.00 – 6 timer DAG, 12 timer DAG og 24 timer, 100km samt Marathon1
Kl 15.00 – Marathon 2
Kl 21.00 – 12 timer NAT, Marathon 3
Kl 03.00 – 6 timer NAT, Marathon 4
Ruten er DAF opmålt til 1.910,25 m
Der løbes rundt om Sortedamssøen, i retning med uret.
Ved 12 og 24 timers løb skiftes retning hver 6. time.
Ruten er ikke afspærret (men markeret)

24 timer solo – kr. 500,- + 9,00 KR. online gebyr
24 timer 2, 3 eller 4-mands hold – kr. 350,- + 9,00 KR. online gebyr pr. deltager
12 timer solo – kr. 450,- + 9,00 KR. online gebyr
12 timer 2-mands hold – kr. 300,- + 9,00 KR. online gebyr pr. deltager.
6 timer solo – kr. 400,- + 9,00 KR. online gebyr
2, 3 eller 4 Marathon – kr. 200 pr marathon + 9,00 KR. online gebyr
18 år ved 6-, 12-, 24-timers solo samt 12-, 24-timers stafet hold.
I depotet vil der være et udvalg af sodavand, chips, diverse søde sager samt vand og frugt.
Der er opsat telt ved start/depot hvor det vil være muligt at have sine egne ting stående. Afhængig af antal deltagere kan pladsen blive lidt trang, men vi forsøger at have telt i passende størrelse.
Der er opsat toilet ved depotet.
Welcome to Cph Ultra - Asta Marie's 24-hour race
In 2025, Copenhagen's beautiful ultra-running festival - Asta Marie's 24-hour race - will be held for the 11th time.
In addition to the 24-hour race, there will also be races for 6 hours, 12 hours, and 100 km.
This year, we also offer new options in the form of 2, 3, or 4 x marathon, as well as night races for 6 and 12 hours.
It is also possible to participate in a relay for 12 and 24 hours.
Since Asta Marie's 24 hours is an ultra-race, we have chosen not to create relay teams for 6 hours, and it is also not possible to register for a single marathon.
September 13 - 14, 2025
Start location
Sortedamssøen by Østerbrogade 19
Start time
09:00 AM – 6 hours DAY, 12 hours DAY and 24 hours, 100km and Marathon 1
03:00 PM – Marathon 2
09:00 PM – 12 hours NIGHT, Marathon 3
03:00 AM – 6 hours NIGHT, Marathon 4 Route
The route is DAF measured at 1,910.25 m
The race will take place around Sortedamssøen, in the clockwise direction. For the 12 and 24-hour races, the direction will change every 6 hours. The route is not closed off (but marked).
Participation fee
24 hours solo – DKK 500 + DKK 9.00 online fee
24 hours 2, 3 or 4-person team – DKK 350 + DKK 9.00 online fee per participant
12 hours solo – DKK 450 + DKK 9.00 online fee
12 hours 2-person team – DKK 300 + DKK 9.00 online fee per participant.
6 hours solo – DKK 400 + DKK 9.00 online fee 2, 3 or 4 Marathon – DKK 200 per marathon + DKK 9.00 online fee
Age limit
16 years for 6-hour relay teams.
18 years for 6, 12, 24-hour solo and 12, 24-hour relay teams.
Aid station
At the aid station, there will be a selection of soft drinks, chips, various sweets, as well as water and fruit.
There is a tent set up at the start/aid station where it will be possible to leave your belongings. Depending on the number of participants, the space may get a bit crowded, but we will try to have a tent of appropriate size.
Toilets have been set up at the aid station.