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Monday, 03 July 2023 - 7pm
The 2-mile run (2 laps = 3.2 km) celebrates the 36th birthday of the tree planted at the Sri Chinmoy Peace-Mile. Besides, it's always good to get moving. Why not do it in a hearty run?
Everyone can and may run here, competing mainly with themselves. From 7-127 years old, everyone is welcome. Whether runners, joggers, walkers, Nordic walkers or kids.
The run takes place at the Friendesmeile in Munich-Moosach. The Peace Mile was donated by the Sri Chinmoy Marathon Team in 1986 and set up by the City of Munich in the park around the Post Sport Verein. It is intended to be a symbol and inspiration for the striving of all people for peace. The peace tree was later planted on the same spot.
Am Kapuzinerhölzl 45-47, 80992 Munich-Moosach. Start and finish is at the Peace Mile sign between the playground and the summer camp "The Tent".
Goole Maps: https://goo.gl/maps/TENgNdckoKmjPdMv9
Further information on the event website: https://de.srichinmoyraces.org/friedensmeile